3rd Party Laravel PHP Packages

The list of Laravel PHP packages is constantly being updated.
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Lavalite - The Laravel CMS.
Likes: 2,666
Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table.
Likes: 2,619
An expressive, human readable code generation tool.
Likes: 2,478
Keep a revision history for your models without thinking, created as a package for use with Laravel
Likes: 2,471
Snappy PDF/Image for Laravel
Likes: 2,445
Laravel 5/6/7/8/9/10 Captcha Package
Likes: 2,327
Provides a Log Viewer for Laravel
Likes: 2,324
Baum is an implementation of the Nested Set pattern for Eloquent models.
Likes: 2,261
A beautiful error page for Laravel applications.
Likes: 2,067
Eloquent model search trait.
Likes: 2,034
A database interface package for Laravel
Likes: 1,967
A file upload/editor intended for use with Laravel 5 to 10 and CKEditor / TinyMCE
Likes: 1,960
Generates Laravel Migrations from an existing database
Likes: 1,881
An easy to use Fractal integration for Laravel applications
Likes: 1,852
A package to easily make use of icons in your Laravel Blade views.
Likes: 1,842

Laravel Packages


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